Monday, May 28, 2012

Current Affairs Competition 2012 (Category 4: Current Affairs Shield Challenge)

Overview of Preliminary Round

Theme: The Change Is You
Strategy 2020 clearly underscores the Red Cross Red Crescent role to change mindsets, attitudes and behaviour. Bekele Geleta, IFRC Secretary General, highlights that “It is often said that young people are the future of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, but I feel that is only part of the story. Young people are the Movement’s driving force here and now, and are the world’s best hope for real and lasting behavioural change at the community level and beyond”.

There are three main aims of IFRC’s flagship initiative – YABC (Youths as Agents of Behavioural Change):
1. Youth Empowerment
2. Operating from Inner Peace
3. Reaching Out to the Community
Three years after the 2009 Solferino Youth Declaration, in the face of major world challenges, such as an aging population, increased cost of living, and an apathetic society, young people everywhere are showing that they want to be part of the solution. They give time, talent and energy, and harness the power of technology. They are helping to increase awareness of the works of The Movement, help vulnerable sections of the community and promote a civil society.

Based on the above, what can we, as Singapore Red Cross Youth members, do to achieve the aims of Strategy 2020, and the 2009 Solferino Youth Declaration?

Teams are to come up with a product design that is marketed at helping a particular group in the community. They are to submit a short essay (not more than 200 words) about the product design for the Internal Judging Round, as well as an annotated design of their product, and thereafter, create a prototype and go through a booth-style presentation during the Preliminary Round on competition day.
It is through this product creation that students will realise on having someone to look after a vulnerable segment of the community, and work towards the betterment of their lives, which leads to a changing mindset through awareness in our Youths.

Team Dynamics: 2-4 members (inclusive of Teacher-Officers if they choose to participate, however no bonus marks will
be given. 1 team per unit only)
Duration: Not more than 5 minutes (inclusive of a demo of the product’s functions)
Target Audience: General Public

Some pointers are as follows:
 Identify the target group and the challenges faced first, before coming up with the design
 How can your product mitigate the challenges faced by the target group?
 Schools only need to come up with one product, and have the prototype for display during the booth presentation.
Product must be low-cost, yet is able to function well.
Things to take note:
 You may use any form of visuals, including video displays. Power supply will not be provided to schools.
 Products should not be similar/the same as the ones already on the market. Any plagiarism constitutes an
Intellectual Property theft, and the school will be barred from participating in future Red Cross Competitions.
Schools can however improve on their designs, but the differences must be spelt out clearly.
 Your booth presentation should be appealing and contains relevant information to entice an investor to invest in your
product, and to bring your product into the market.

Judging Criteria for Preliminary Round
* The marking scheme is the same for both the Internal Judging and Preliminary Rounds
1 Product Design Concept of product is refreshing and innovative: 25%
2 Target audience needs are met clearly: 25%
3 Presentation Content: 20%
4 Creativity (Appropriate use of visual aids): 20%
5 Oratorical Skills: 10%

Overview of the Final Round
The Top 5 Schools will be selected from the preliminary round to enter the finals.
Theme: The Change Is You
Task: Similar to the task above, schools are to present their products in a creative way to the general public.

The exact presentation style would only be revealed during the competition day.
Preparation Time: You are given 45 minutes to prepare for this presentation.
Team Dynamics: 2-4 members (team members are to be the same as the Preliminary Round)
Duration: Not more than 1 minute
Target Audience: General Public
Some pointers are as follows:
 The public must be convinced that their productive effectively meets the target group
 Schools should focus on the product’s viability and effectiveness
 How can we harness the power of mass media to achieve the objective?
Things to take note:
(i) Resources for presentation:
a. Teams are not allowed to bring in any electronic materials into the room. No form of information or notes are allowed to be brought in
b. Schools will be given access to a set of resources, and it is up to the group to best utilise the resources given
c. Schools are given a choice to create PowerPoint slides that may help them in their presentation as visual aids
(ii) Question and Answer Session:
a. Each team will face two questions from the panel of judges regarding any content from their presentation
b. The quality of their answer will affect their scores
c. They can discuss the answer(s) for up to 30 seconds, before providing their answers
This format will put their knowledge of the Red Cross to the test, and further strengthen their knowledge on how an individual can assist the Red Cross Youth in its efforts, and make a difference to our society.

Judging Criteria for Final Round
1 Product Design Concept of product is refreshing and innovative; Target audience needs are met clearly: 30%
2 Public Voting Successful in persuading the audience on the product that they are marketing: 20%
3 Creativity Creative and innovative in presenting their content to the audience: 20%
4 Oratorical Skills & Stage Presence. Confident in speaking, and has stage presence among all speakers: 20%
5 Teamwork All members are working together and helping out each other during the presentation: 10%

There will be public voting in the Final Round of this category. Teams must work hard to win the votes of their audience.


In the preliminary round, the top 3 teams from each district will be awarded with district trophies.
S/N Placing Award
1 3rd Bronze
2 2nd Silver
3 1st Gold

The top 5 teams with the highest overall scores from the preliminary round will proceed to the Finals. The top 3 teams will be awarded national trophies. The champion will also be awarded the challenge shield to be kept for 1 year.

S/N Placing Award
1 4th, 5th Merit
2 3rd Bronze
3 2nd Silver
4 1st Gold,
Challenge Shield

If interested, please let any of the RCY teachers know by 3 June 2012 (Sun). Please get your parents' approval first. We will be training on every Mon, Wed and Fri during Term 3 and on Wed and Fri of the last week of June holidays.