To Jia Hong, Amelia, Pin Yao, Jian Kai, Von Yi, Gabriel, Joshua, Ho Ting and Samuel, details of Standard First Aid Examination is as follow:
Date: 7 April 2011 (Thur)
Time: 3pm
Time to gather: 1.30pm (Joshua will gather you all to have lunch first then proceed to Red Cross House)
- A NRIC-size photograph (2.5cm by 3.5cm) for the Card-size First Aid Certificate
- At least 2 Bandages for the examination
* A face-shield will be issued by the Red Cross Training Centre for cadets who pass their theory examination.
· Participants, who failed the theory exam at their 1st attempt, are allowed a 2nd attempt on the same day. If they fail the 2nd attempt theory exam, they would need to re-take the exam (Theory & Practical) on another day.
· Participants who failed in any practical station will have to re-take the entire exam (Theory & Practical).
· The examination shall not be conducted in the event of attendance rate below 80% which is not cost viable.
· Theory test - 30 MCQs - 30 minutes
- Passing grade is 18 out of 30.
- It is compulsory to pass the Theory before cadets can proceed to the practical.
· Practical test - Two scenarios - 10 min each
· Unconscious casualty
Trainee is required to do a casualty survey and give appropriate emergency first aid inclusive CPR and the recovery position.
· Conscious casualty
Trainee is required to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre, treat a bleeding wound and immobilise one fracture
Bleeding wound - direct and indirect bleeding control, pressure points to choose from:
1. brachial,
2. femoral
Dressing the wound:
1. primary dressing
2. bandaging
3. support
Fracture or dislocation - possibilities to choose from:
1. shoulder dislocation
2. ankle sprain
3. upper limb or collar bone fracture
4. pelvis or lower limb fracture
5. suspected neck or spine fracture