Time and place to meet:
Meet at 1.50pm in school foyer. Let Miss Teong know if you will be going there striaght. Refer below for map.
Materials to bring:
1. A NRIC-size photograph (2.5cm by 3.5cm) for the Card-size First Aid Certificate.
2. At least 2 Bandages (triangular and roller bandages) for the examination.
Details of the SFA exam:
Exam Assessment –30 MCQs (18 to pass) & Practical.
Theory test - 30 MCQs - 30 minutes
- Passing grade is 18 out of 30.
- It is compulsory to pass the Theory before cadets can proceed to the practical.
Practical test - Two scenario - 10 minutes each
Unconscious casualty
required to do a casualty survey and give appropriate emergency first aid - Heimlich manoeuvre, CPR or recovery position
Conscious casualty
Required to treat a bleeding wound and immobilise 1 fracture.
Bleeding wound - direct and indirect bleeding control, pressure points to choose from:
1. brachial,
2. femoral
Dressing the wound:
1. primary dressing
2. bandaging
3. support
Fracture or dislocation - possibilities to choose from:
1. shoulder dislocation
2. ankle sprain
3. upper limb or collar bone fracture
4. pelvis or lower limb fracture
Please refer to First Aid book lent or sold to you for the notes on RCY Triangular-Roller Bandaging and CPR. It is compulsory for you to know how to do all bandaging.
People going for Standard First Aid Examination:
1. Kong Kay Yan, Petrina
2. Alvina Adimoelja
3. Lee Xuan, Shawn
4. Keziah A Simon
5. Leong Gracia
6. Ho Han Yeung, Samantha
7. Ng Jun De, Andrew
8. Amelia Ng Wai Min
9. Chua Jia Hong
10. Lam Yi Ting
11. Tan Kah Mun Ashley
12. Yeoh Von Yi
13. Law Jian Kai
14. Glenda Sim Yan Yu
15. Lim Ern-Ci Carabelle
16. Yo Zi Yang, Gabriel
17. Dian Asyiqin Binte Lokman Omahat
18. Wee Yiling Esther
19. Charmaine See Yuan Qi