Short meeting to confirm attendance for night cycling on 30 to 31 October and instructions for purchase of CCA photos. Attendance is compulsory. Meet at CCA block after dismissal from assembly area.
Our Red Cross Unit specialises in first aid and evacuation knowledge. Besides learning first aid, foot drill, evacuation, and the history of red cross, we also equip ourselves with outdoor survival skills in cooking. campcraft, etc. We also extend our service to the public through events like the Project Red Cross Love and home visits to the homes of the elderly. With a dynamic and strong commitee working hand in hand with disciplined, team-spirited, caring and competent cadets and our respected Youth Officers, we are the Fairfield Red Cross Youth!
Last but not least, we will adhere to our motto: To serve one another.
Fairfield Red Cross Youth, together we fall, UNITED WE SOAR!