Friday, May 21, 2010


Reporting time: 8.30am
Reporting venue: Parade square
Theme for JTC 2010: Wacky and Weird

1. School based/Red Cross T-shirt(no class t-shirt)(x4): Including the one for reporting
2. PE shorts(x2)
3. Track pants(x1)
4. Socks (x3)
5. Windbreaker(x1): Optional
6. Undergarments(sufficient)
7. Sandal/Slippers(x1):For bathing only
8. white socks (2pairs)
9. Shoes(2 pairs): Including the one for reporting. (2nd pair optional, just in case it gets wet.)
10. Red cross uniform. (all accessories as well. Eg. Boots, beret, hairnets.)
11. Campfire clothes. (according to the theme, no revealing clothing. One example of suitable dressing is 1 high socks and 1 low socks)

1. Towel(x1)
2. Body Foam(x1)
3. Shampoo(x1)
4. Toothpaste(x1)
6. Comb(x1)
7. Powder(x1): Optional
8. Toilet roll(1 roll)

Utensils(All utensils should be labelled with name and are non-disposable)
1. Plastic Mug(x1):With handle
2.Plates, forks and spoons.

1. Poncho(x1):Must be army green type
2. 1.5 Litre water bottle(x1):Coke bottle and with label
3. Writing materials(1 set)
4. Plastic bags(sufficient):For dirty clothes
5. Large zip lock bags(sufficient):For waterproofing
6. Spectacle hooks(x1):For those wearing spectacles
7.Personal Medication(sufficient):Compulsory
8. Sleeping bags(x1): compulsory
9. Insect repellent(x1): Optional
10. Rag(x2):Area Cleaning
11. Backpack/Haversack(x1):Non-sling bag. For hiking.
12. Working torchlight(x1):With extra batteries
13. Sponge(x1): Outdoor Cooking
14. Triangular Bandage(x2)For hike

Group List (to be settled within the group)
1. Detergent(150ml bottle)(x1): For washing utensils
2. Can opener(x1): Outdoor Cooking
3. Group flag(x1)
4. 1.5 litre Ice Mountain bottle(x3): Exercise Impartiality

Food Labels

1. For Bottle (to be gotten from Cunen for Sec 1s, Min Yi for Sec 2s and Celine for Sec 3s):
• Label to be in Arial Size 20, with double-spacing in between lines
• Dimensions of label will be 11cm x 5cm
• Labels to be waterproofed with sufficient scotch tape, such that they will not fall out when in contact with water.
• Label should be pasted in the centre of the bottles (E.g. where the Coke Label used to be)
• Sec 1s, email Cunen at ( your email address so that she can email you the labels for you to print out. Please state your name and class in the email.
• Sec 2s, email Min Yi at your email address so that she can email you the labels for you to print out. Please state your name and class in the email.
• It is your responsibility to get the labels from your ICs. Don't wait till last minute.

2. Utensils (to be done by yourself using scotchtape and paper):
• Labels to be in Arial Size 9
• Dimensions of label will be 4cm x 2cm
• Labels to be waterproofed with sufficient scotch tape, such that they will not fall out when in contact with water.
• Labels of Fork and Spoon to be on handle where one holds the Fork/Spoon
• Label of mug to be beneath mug

Other things to be done: Please send the teachers your food allergy or any other allergy by this Monday (24 May) as we need to order the food. Indicate your name and class in the email. Thank you.
The email addresses are:
Ms Tai Wai Peng:
Ms Shamsiah:
Ms Teong Li Yun:

Refer to next post for group list.