Friday, February 19, 2010

Health Law

12 Health Laws
a) Bathe daily; wash hands before and after meals and after visiting the toilet.
b) Brush teeth night & morning, and rinse mouth after every meal.
c) Be regular everyday in visiting the lavatory.
d) Have an upright posture when sitting or standing.
e) Our body needs fresh air and sunlight.
f) Exercise regularly for health and maintenance of ideal body weight.
g) Use handkerchief/ tissue paper to cover mouth or nose when coughing or sneezing.
h) Do not spit.
i) Have a balanced and varied diet for healthy growth.
j) Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day.
k) At least 8 to 10 hours of sleep and rest per day.
l) Wear clean clothes and use clean personal articles.


Save your poster using the file name: name_class e.g. Andrew_1F

Attire check
Ensure you have the following:
Clean and tidy hair
Clean and short nails
Clean uniform, properly ironed and tucked in
Clean school shoes and socks